20 Aniversario Posada Uncastillo


20th Anniversary of Posada de Uncastillo

It seems it was yesterday but no. April 1999, that’s the date. As we usually say, we are a hotel from the last century!

20 years of enthusiasm, of desire, of effort, of difficulties too, of enjoying, of achieving goals, of meeting people like you, of learning, of making friends, of dreaming, of growing, of advancing, of maturing, of making mistakes, of re-branding ourselves, of working hard, of having fun, of imagining, of felling sometimes tired, of innovation, of living, to sum up, the life we chose in their time.

Our son Martín, now 21 years old, with the first clients of Posada de Uncastillo

But, will there be hot water, right? This was the question of our first clients, a Catalan family, when we told them that their reservation was confirmed but that the works at the hotel were not yet finished. What nerves, what pressure, will something fail? Will we be up to it? 20 years later we feel the same responsibility, it seems incredible every time you choose us. And still, the last thing we want is to disappoint your expectations.

We have put ALL OUR LIFE in this project, assuming from the beginning a risk (economic, personal, physical and mental) difficult to evaluate. But eventually it was worth it.

Obras en Posada de Uncastillo

El Castillo Room before the works …

Luckily everything went well and in the Easter of 1999 we opened La Posada. Even the priest came to bless it, we do not know if it was good but, of course, it was not bad, because here we continue 20 years later.

Inauguración Posada de Uncastillo

Inauguration of Posada de Uncastillo, Miguel still had his hair!

And now, that we start a new season, we look back, we see everything that has been done and only one word comes to mind:


Inma & Miguel